Grafton Sporting Car Club inc

Grafton Hillclimb Entry



Your application for entry is not valid until payment has been received.

If you have selected to pay by credit card, select the Credit Card Button below and you will be directed to a secure paymwent.  Please ensure that you reference the payment with your Surname and Receipt number as detailed on the Subject line of the email you received.


Direct Deposit details as as follows:

Club bank details;

Summerland Credit Union

Grafton Sporting Car Club Inc.

BSB: 728-728

ACC: 22330642

Track Address;

262 Clarence Way

Mountainview NSW 2460

Club ABN:

63 348 513 278



Please make sure you read the Supplementary Regulations for the Track Attack 2024 Saturday 16 November & Sunday 17 November 2024 (available here)  for Full details of the event.  ENTRIES CLOSE AT MIDNIGHT 10 NOVEMBER 2024

Scrutinizing for all events commences at 7:30am – Runs start from 9-9:15am as per Supp regs